Forensic Center for Autopsies in Rutherford County

Oct 03, 2019 at 11:46 am by bryan


The idea of building a Forensic Center for autopsies in Murfreesboro is gaining momentum. Rutherford County Mayor Bill Ketron updated WGNS News on the proposal...


One reason the need for a Forensic Center in Tennessee is so strong...

A forensic center could prove to be an educational tool if partnered with MTSU and Meharry Medical College, according to Ketron.

As for the cost, it could be paid for by servicing other counties and through educational grants...

Again, a Forensic Center that would perform autopsies on the deceased is moving forward.


A Forensic Center is an idea that Rutherford County Mayor Bill Ketron has been looking into for educational, investigative and cost saving purposes. Another reason - - there is nowhere for bodies to go if a mass casualty occurred...

Ketron said that those who die from a suicide, accident or murder are sent to Nashville for an autopsy, which is costly...

The one facility in Nashville is also slow due to the number of bodies being sent to their facility...

A forensic center could prove to be an educational tool, according to Ketron...

There is an opportunity for the proposed center to be paid for by servicing other counties and through educational grants...

WGNS will keep you informed on the idea of a forensic center in Rutherford County.

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