For Sale: riding lawn mower; small tractor with front end loader; 1985 Silverado truck 563-9844
For Sale: weights (250 pounds); Wants: crew cab extended cab pickup 578-7991
Lost Dogs: 1 is a male black and white Border Collie and other is female small black dog, last seen near Maple St., they got away Tuesday (pets of sad little boy) 713-8215
Wants: oak drop leaf kitchen table (fits in front of small window) and will set 6 with sides up; yard ornamental items (cement table; Yard Sale: over Labor Day weekend off Rucker Ln. 848-0463
For Sale: cast iron skillet (10 nd 12 inch) $15 for both; 8 qt. Crock pot; canner $15 631-6930
Yard Sale: 2107 Foxdale Drive 7AM this Saturday 568-1361
For Sale: box of Southern Gospel CD's (20 in box) $12; DVD's (old TV show Dragnet and Sanford & Son); computer desk 569-7734
For Sale: big screen TV; pool table $75 809-9386
For Sale: estate furniture (BR set, china cabinet) 890-1540
For Sale: super blower electric vac $20; 30 landscape walks $20 for all 893-7025
Yard Sale: Annual yard sale this 7AM Saturday at Barfield Baptist Church (supports women's ministries) 890-8474