St. Patrick's Month "Widow's Ministry" Free Luncheon

Feb 28, 2019 at 02:00 pm by bryan


(MURFREESBORO) The Wings of Hope Widow's Ministry has its March meeting at noon this coming Monday (3/4/2019) at St. Mark's United Methodist Church (1267 Rutherford Boulevard).


You may want to wear something green! Also, try to bring an unwanted piece of jewelry and share your story on how it came to be special with you--your story as fact or fiction. At the completion of your story you may leave your jewelry to swap or exchange with others if you wish.

Since it's St. Partrick's month, the food is a wee bit Irish too: pork loin, green beans and bake potatoes. Plus, guests may bring toppings for potatoes or a green desert.

This fun event is free, and there might be rainbows near your pot of gold.

Wings of Hope Founder Pat Brandenstein told WGNS that the service started when she lived in Texas. It was motivated by a phone call from police . . .

Looking back, she said the police told her...

Brandenstein explained who the Wings of Hope serves, "We use a Biblical translation of widow to describe those whom we serve as any woman who has lost the protection or provision of her husband through death, divorce, desertion or imprisonment."

She now lives in Franklin County and is spreading this ministry through the nation from its Tennessee home.

They now meet monthly in Murfreesboro at St. Mark's United Methodist Church. Local Club President Sylvia McGee says that membership here in Murfreesbroro is from 18 different churches.

For additional information about Wings of Hope, visit their website: You can also phone 317-445-4369 or email

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