For Sale: 1930's stop light in good condition $80; Scooby Do telephone $75; beer steins 624-6363
For Sale: Buck stove, fireplace insert, $1,300 (paid $2,700) 896-1571
For Sale: upright grand piano in good shape; computer desk $25 569-7734
For Sale: Caltech 901 pistol (trade for 344 Magnum); 5-ft bog; single-blade plow 663-3077
For Sale: bumper pool table $150; music equipment (cordless guitar pickup and mic); wood stove 243-7736
For Sale: Weston bull-bar from Chevy 1500; 1992 Mazda B-2600I 5,speed $1,300; Wants: junk 506-0516
For Sale: 1988 Pontiac Parisian $700 569-6688
Wants: book selves and chest of drawers (good condition); Wants: yard sale stuff 556-7089
For Sale: white camper topper for long-bed truck $75 893-9418
For Sale: computer games 890-5276
For Sale: big screen TV 893-6564