Middle Tennessee sets electric usage record this week

Jan 18, 2018 at 07:05 pm by bryan

Chances are good you utilized a little more electricity than usual with the recent cold snap. Perhaps you have an electric heater or maybe you stayed inside more which equaled the lights staying on a little longer... If you are a Middle Tennessee Electric or Murfreesboro Electric Customer, than you helped the TVA set a new record THIS week.

On Wednesday (1/17/18), there was an all-time usage record of 706 gigawatt-hours of electricity. That's 706 million kilowatt-hours in one 24-hour period. In case you are curios, that's enough to power Las Vegas for over 88 days.

While the biggest spike happened on Wednesday, Thursday ranks as the fourteenth highest all-time peak. TVA has set three of the top 15 winter peaks in the past 18 days.

Something you may want to remember, demand is the biggest driver for power bills. The TVA reports that they have seen a steady increase in the average residential kilowatt-hour usage since October, which means power bills for homes and businesses have steadily increased.

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